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Charge An Order To A Customer Account

If a customer is associated to a house account they can charge their order to the account instead of paying upfront. To do this navigate to the customer lookup screen to tie the customer to the order.

Select the customer

Create the order for this customer, when you are satisfied with the order click "Finish"

The tender screen will appear. Click on "Account" and then "Pay."

Their order will be complete and the total will be added to their account balance which can be viewed in Configuration > Customers.

Note: IF you don't see the "Account" tender type, be sure to activate it in Config / Tax Tender Cash / Tender area. To learn how to set up a new account click here.

The system should print an account pay receipt for the customer to sign. 
If you need to reprint this receipt, you can go to the Orders screen, select the order, select Reprint, and choose Account.

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