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The schedule section in the employee configuration allows you to enforce a few rules for employee scheduling. To set these rules navigate to Manager Home > Configuration > Employees > Schedule.

- Minimum Schedule Shift Length: When making a schedule you can set a minimal amount of hours an employee be scheduled. This is usually regulated by your state.
- Verify Schedule For Clock On: If checked; this will make sure that an employee cannot clock on to the system if they are not on a posted schedule. A manager override will be required in order to clock on.
- Record Late After: If a time is set in this box, the employee will be considered late after x mins past their scheduled time of clocking in. This will be recorded in the system and you can see it on their profile.
- Allow Early Clock In: If a time is set in this box, the employee will be allowed to clock in x mins before their scheduled time (if Verify schedule for clock on is active)
Be sure to always save your changes.
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