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To manage communications for an employee navigate to Manager > Employees > Locate the employee you wish to edit > Click on their name

Click on Communications.

External Communication:
  • Alerts Email: Enter an e-mail address for this employee. This address is used for sending Management Alerts. If text messages to a cell phone are preferred, enter a cell phone # followed by the carrier's e-mail information. For instance, for a Verizon phone # 555-111-2222 it would be
  • Alert On: Select the alerts you would like sent to this employee:
    Daypart Sales - will send day part sales and total sales at the end of each daypart.
    End of Day Deposit - will send an alert whenever an End of Day Bank Deposit is saved, including the daily sales total, the deposit total, and any over/short amount recorded. 
    Schedule notices - will send an alert when a schedule is posted, changed or deleted (for that employee), or when a time off request is approved or declined.
Tip:  E-mail must be configured to send external e-mails. This is done in Configuration > General > Store Setup

Internal Communication:
  • Alert On: Select the internal alerts you would like to send to this employee via the Thr!ve e-mail system.
    Schedule notices - will send an alert when a schedule is posted, changed or deleted, or when a time off request is approved or declined.
Tip: Manager Alerts will need to be turned on in the manager home screen,
To read more on managing employees or completing the full profile click here.

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