System And Security

Click on System & Security.

- Employee Log in Number: This is the id the employee will use to clock in. Enter the id number and click "Set" or swipe their ID card. You will be asked to enter the pass-code again.
- New Finger Print: If you are using a finger print reader to clock in you will click Register Finger and have your employee scan their finger print.
- Employee Security Level: Select the level of security this employee will have from the 6 security workgroups available. This list can be configured via Configuration > Security. You cannot set a security level higher than your own.
- Emails: You can allow the employee utilize the internal email functions.
- Allow Mobile Access: Indicates whether this employee will be authorized to log in to mobile data access (they will still be limited by their security level)
- Administrative Password: If you are changing an employee's pass-code or security level; in order to stay PCI compliant you will need to know the system's administrative password. This step happens when you click Save.

To read more on managing employees or completing the full profile click here.