How To Clock In

A keypad will popup > Enter in the pass-code you selected or was assigned when your employee profile was made > click Enter.

If you are using the finger reader instead of pass-codes the finger reader will popup. Place your finger on the scanner.

Once the system has recognized your finger print or your pass-code the time clock will appear with clock in options. If you are an employee that is able to have multiple job types there will be a drop down where you can select how you would like to be clocked in as. For example; you can be a driver one day and a server on a different day. Once you select the job type you wish to clock in as, click "Clock In."

The top of the screen will now show you as clocked in.

If you click on the time clock button again the keypad or finger reader will appear. You can enter in your pass-code again or use the finger reader and a new window will appear showing you that you are clocked in, what time you clocked in and a list of other options will be available.

Tip: If you have a message assigned to you that is required; you will be unable to clock in until you have read the message. To learn more see the "Reading Your Messages" article.

To learn more about time clock options you can read the articles in the Time Clock Screen area.
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