Add A Tip To An Order Via The Tender Process

When you have created the order, selected the order type, and are satisfied click "Finish."

This will complete the order and bring up the tender screen. This is where you will add your tip.
Adding A Flat Tip Rate:
A customer can add a flat rate tip. For example they want to add a $5.00 tip.
This can be done by typing in 5.00 into the number pad and clicking on "Tip $."

$5.00 will be added to the total of the order. Once that is done click the tender type the customer wishes to pay with, enter the total tender amount and "Pay."
Adding A % Tip:
Some customers wish to pay a tip based off the percentage of the order total. This can be done by entering in the percentage amount they wish to pay. For example a customer may want to add a 15% tip to the order. This can be done by entering in 15.00 on the number pad and then clicking the "Tip %."

15% will be added to the total of the order. Once that is done click the tender type the customer wishes to pay with, enter the total tender amount and "Pay."
Using The Change As The Tip:
Some customers like to pay with a flat amount and use the change as a tip. In this example the order total is $37.40. The customer can pay with $40.00 and use the change as a tip. To do this enter in 40.00 into the number pad and click "Change is Tip."

The remaining $2.60 will be applied to the tip and order will be tendered out.