Customer Profile Overview

- The customer's general information is displayed on the upper left side of the screen.
- You can activate the map from the upper left side of the screen.
- The middle upper portion of the screen displays the customer's star rating, which is based on the total # of orders

- The right side of the screen displays how many orders the customer has placed.
- How long the customer has been in the system.
- How much the customer has spent total. You can click on the "more" icon and view more stats on the customer's previous orders and totals.

The blocks in the middle of the screen display addition information pertaining to the customer
- Notes: Notes for the customer are displayed here.

- To add a notes click on the + on the right, a new popup will appear. Type the notes and click save. You can also add an alert to display when you bring up the customer profile. For example: Customer is allergic to onions.

- Available Offers: If the customer is a loyalty customer or part of a rewards program, any available offers will display here. Also, any customer credit offers will appear here.

- Last Orders: A list of the last items the customer ordered is displayed here. You can click on the arrows to navigate to a previous order. Click on individual items to reorder them, or click on "Reorder All" to add everything displayed in the box to the customer's current order.

- Loyalty Info: If your customer is part of the loyalty program; their loyalty information will display here.

- Customer Groups: If you have customer groups setup in configuration-customers, any groups that the customer belongs to will be highlighted. You can edit the customer to assign them to a group.

- Authorized Order Types: This shows what types of orders this particular customer can place.

- User Fields: In configuration-customers, you can set up additional fields to track additional information. If you have set up user fields it will display here.

- More Info: This box displays a few extra fields that are not normally on the customer profile but can be added. Such as the customer's birthday and drivers license.

All information can be edited by clicking on the pencil icon.

When you are done editing click Save.
For more articles and videos on the customer screen and profile functions click here.