Customer Screen Overview

You can leave this page Home icon to return home, clicking the "Menu" button to start an order, or selecting a customer to view.

The top half of the screen displays all the different ways you can search for an existing customer, a button to add a new customer, a button to reset the search criteria, or a button to take you to the menu screen.

You can search using the following methods.
- Area code and/or phone number
- First and/or last name
- City
- Zip code
- Email address
- Loyalty ID

Use the "Company" and "Lodging" icons above the NEW button to search on company name or lodging name (and limit search results to those customers marked as company or lodging customers. Learn more about working with hotel / lodging customers.
The bottom half of the screen displays your incoming phone call information via CallerID and the promise times. .

Promise times can be edited by clicking on the promise time icon.

To read more on this feature click here.
If results are yielded a new set of options will display on the bottom screen.
- The paper icon pulls up the customer's profile to view, use last order recall, etc.
- The check mark icon takes you to the menu screen with the customer's information selected for an order.
- The map pulls up a map of the customer's area if applicable.
- If the customer is not found, click the "New" icon above to add a new customer record.

To edit a customer's profile select the customer and click on the paper icon. A new window will popup with the customer's profile. You can read more on the customer profile in the following articles.

For more articles and videos on the customer screen and profile functions click here.