The Dispatch Screen Overview

You can leave this page by clicking the back button, or clicking the Home icon to return home, Orders to navigate to the orders screen, or Menu to navigate to the Menu.

The left box displays open orders that have not been assigned. The right box displays the drivers that are clocked in.

Customer/Order Displays:
- The Ticket number (click on it to view the order in Full Review, you can recall it from there)
- The customer's name and phone number
- The customer's address
- The map area the customer is located in (this corresponds to your street database)
- The zone the customer is located in
- The customer's wait time vs promise time
- A map of the customer's address
Tip: If the order is red it is past the "Promise Time".
Driver Displays:
- The driver's name
- How many orders the driver is currently out delivering
- How many orders the driver has assigned to them
- The time since the driver was assigned (if the driver is out)
The bottom of the screen displays a list of actions that can be performed.

- Assign: Allows you to assign an order to a driver (Yellow batch indicates the # of orders pending (v.8.0 and higher))
- Return: Allows you to mark a driver as returned and available for more deliveries
- Driver Status: Provides a list of all the orders assigned to the driver, a financial summary report, allows to settle orders and adjust tips, allows you to unassign orders, assign a bank, drop cash, print stats, and close the shift.
- Print Run: Allows you to print the current stats of the driver
- Print Receipt: Prints customer receipt for the highlighted deliveries.
- In Process: Shows orders that are currently being delivered. Allows you to unassign that order, show a map of a specific selection, and show a map for all deliveries. (Yellow badge indicates the # of orders in process (v.8.0 and higher))
- Activate: Allows you to activate drivers that are clocked in.
- Map All: Allows you to view a map of all areas.
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