Customer Trend Report
To view the customer trend report, navigate to Manager > Reports > Trends > Customer Trend.

Select the start and end dates you wish to view and click generate

The results will display below

You can view the results by Declining or Increasing customers. If you sort by declining customers, the list will show customers whose orders have declined over the time frame you have run the report for. This list is good to use for incentives to get the customer to return to your store.

If you sort by increasing customers, the list will show customers whose orders have increased over the time frame you have run the report for. This list is good to use for rewarding the customer who are frequent buyers.
The following information displays on the report:
- The customer's name
- Address
- Phone and/or email address
- The date of their first order
- How many orders have been placed in the last 30 days
- How many orders have been placed in the last 60 days
- Hot many orders have been placed in the last 90 days
- The total amount of orders placed by the customer
- The date of their last order
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