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Server Performance Report

The Server Performance report provides a at a glance overview of your server's performance over a specific period of time.

To view the Server Performance report, navigate to Manager > Reports > Operations > Server Performance.

Select the start and end dates you wish to view and click generate.

The results will display below.

Each column down will display a server who had a shift during the dates you ran the report for. Across; each column will display:
  • Sales: Total sales made by the employee during the dates ran for the report.
  • Tickets: The total amount of tickets the employee took during their shift.
  • Tips: Amount of tips the employee added to tickets during their shift.
  • Tip % of Sales: Total percentage of sales that were tips.
  • Average Ticket Amount: The total average dollar amount per employee ticket.
  • Average Amount Per Person: If using table service and number of people are entered, this column shows the average dollar amount per person.
  • The second block of the report breaks down the employee's sales by each active order type.

The last half of the report takes all of the employee totals and displays their averages.

You can print and/or export the report to Excel if you need to.

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