Scheduled Vs Actual Report
To view the Scheduled vs Actual report, navigate to Manager > Reports > Labor > Scheduled vs Actual.

Select the start and end dates you wish to view and click Generate.

The results will display below.

Each employee that is/was scheduled to work within the dates you selected will display. The following columns will display:

- The employee's name
- The employee's job type
- The date and time the employee is scheduled to clock in. If they were not scheduled to work that day, the field will be blank
- The date and time the employee is scheduled to clock out. If they were not scheduled to work that day, the field will be blank
- The date and time the employee actually clocked in. If they never clocked in; the field will be blank
- The date and time the employee actually clocked out. If they never clocked out; the field will be blank
- Alerts: This field will let you know if the employee, missed their shift, was not scheduled to work that day but clocked in anyway, if they were early or late to clock out.
Tip: Employee missed shifts or late shifts are automatically recorded on the employee record as "Schedule violations".
The bottom of the report displays the hours that were scheduled for the dates you selected vs the total actual hours that were worked.
You can print and/or export the report to Excel if you need to.
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