Labor Schedule Report
To view the Labor Schedule report, navigate to Manager > Reports > Labor > Labor Schedule.

Select the start and end dates you wish to view and click generate.

The results will display below.

Across the top, the columns will display:
- The employee's name
- Job type
- Scheduled start time
- Scheduled end time
- Unpaid break
- Total hours scheduled
- Overtime hours

The second and third blocks across are important numbers to pay attention to. These let you know what your labor goals are vs. what you have scheduled.
- Forecasted Sales: The total amount of sales forecasted for the day.
- Labor Goal: This number is where you want your labor to be. If your sales are lower than what was actually forecasted, then your labor goal will decrease. (Learn More about setting your forecast, goals and budget)
- Labor Budget: This is your dollar allowance for labor. Your scheduled employee's time should not exceed this amount.
- Scheduled Hours: The total amount of hours your employees are scheduled to work combined.
- Scheduled: This is the total dollar amount scheduled for labor. This should not exceed the Labor Budget number
- Scheduled %: This is percentage of labor actually scheduled. You do not want this to exceed your labor goals.
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