Order Type By Interval Report
To view the Order Type by Interval report, navigate to Manager > Reports > Sales > Order Type by Interval

Select the date range you wish to view and click Generate.

Configuration options will appear:

Your options for this report include:
- Select time interval. You can make this as short as 5 minutes or as long as several hours
- Start and End Hours: Set this for your entire business day, or just focus on your busy times.
- Include Average: Check this to include the "average" column
- Order Types: Check the order types you wish to review.

You'll see columns for each time interval specified. For each order type, you'll see the count and $ value of the orders.
The average column is an average for each time interval slot, for each day. You can turn this on or off in the configuration options for this report.
If you have too many time intervals to fit on the page, use the Next button at the button of the screen to view more data.

Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to Print or Export these results.
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