Phone Orders - Pick Up
To set your preferences for Pick Up orders navigate to Configuration > Order Types > Pick Up

Customer lookup required: Allows you to
control the level of customer information you require for this order type.
o Full Lookup: Requires that you associate the order with a customer record in the database.
o Name Only: Requires that the customer name be entered.
o Phone Only: Requires that the customer phone # be entered. - Display promise time: If "Yes" the promise time will be displayed for this order type.
Tip: Promise times show average production and deliver times, allowing your employees to give customers an accurate estimate of when their order will arrive - Show in server details: Controls whether this order type is included in the server details / server close shift process. If individual servers are responsible for closing out pick up orders to their bank, use this.
- Minimum promise time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: Allows
you to specify a minimum amount of time that will be displayed when
calculating a promise time.
- Order is late after X minutes: Allows
you to specify the # of minutes to allow before an order is considered
late. Late orders are reported as such and are colored on the orders
Tip: This is used as an alternative to the promise time feature and s only active if "Display promise time" is set to "No"
NOTE: The following 2 features are only available in the FireFy user interface.
- Alert if promise time is X min over default: If the promise time has been extended beyond the default time, an alert will display on the customer edit screen.
- Minimum/Maximum promise time x min: Specify the min/max that system default promise times can be adjusted to.
Save your changes.
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