Printer Station Configuration
Navigate to Configuration > Printers
You will be taken to the printer configuration screen > Click Printer Station on the sub navigation menu.

Station Name: Select the station you want to configure.
Printer Setting: This will be the name of the setting you're creating. For most situations, the default setting is sufficient. Multiple settings may be used if you have extra printers in use during busy times.
o Use As Default: Use this if you want your selection to be default for all stations.
o Edit Setting: If you do not have a setting already setup you can create one by clicking the Edit Setting button. A popup will appear > Click New Settings > Name your setting > Click Save > Close and return to the Printer Station page.
Example of a new setting would be Weekends or Weekdays

- Order Types: For each order type listed, select which printers you would like each ticket to print to. The following options are available for selection. If no selections are made then tickets will not print on these printers and/or screens during the time period setup.
- Production Printing
- Receipt Printing
- Label Printing
- Delivery Printer for Station: Select which printer to use for delivery related printing, such as driving directions and driver close report.
- Local Printer for Station: Select which printer to use for miscellaneous printing.
- Credit Rcpt Printer for Station: Select which printer to use for credit card receipts.

Save your changes.
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