The Orders Screen (version 8.1+)
To access the orders screen from the Home screen, click on the Orders button

From any other screen, click on the clipboard icon in the top bar.

Here you'll see a list of orders, defaulting to Open orders for today.

Use the buttons at the top to filter the screen by order type, and by order status. Use the date fields to include a range of past dates.

For employees in some job types, the screen will default to only showing their orders. This is defined in Employment > Job Types using the field "Default orders screen to assigned orders".
You can also search for a specific table # or tent #. For more criteria, click the + sign:

The results screen displays the orders that have been placed.
Tip: Sort by any column header. Your sort will remain in place until you log out. (version 7.8.0 and above)

Click on the ticket # to recall the ticket to the virtual ticket.
Click on the total to recall the ticket to Full Review, which allows you to see detailed information and history about the ticket.

For pickup orders that have already been paid for, you can easily close them without recalling them. Just click on the green arrow and choose "Close & Receipt" or "Close No Receipt".

You can adjust tips, reprint tickets, settle tickets, and manage your servers from this screen as well.

Adjust Tips: Allows you to adjust tips on a ticket. Click on the ticket and then the Adjust Tips button and you will be able to edit the tips.
Re-print: Allows you to click on any ticket and reprint the ticket to any printer location.
Server Status: Allows you to view the server's status and manage various server functions.
Tip: This feature is only available if you have server banking turned on in Configuration > Order Types > Table.
Settle: Allows you to settle a ticket from the orders screen.
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