Ticket Finder - Search for Tickets
To learn more about Ticket Finder, here's an intro video:
To access Ticket Finder, log into Thrive Control Center and expand the "Analytics" drop down menu in the left column. Click on Ticket Finder.

Searching for Tickets
To search, just start typing anything in the search box at the top of the screen. For example, type "Yesterday".

You can combine multiple criteria of different types. For instance, in addition to "Yesterday" I want to limit my results to tickets with "Sausage Pizza" on them.

Search on any type of information about the ticket -- restaurant location, order type, tender type, server, customer name, items ordered, coupons used, ticket #, etc. Selecting multiple criteria will narrow your results. You can not select multiple criteria from the same category (i.e. 2 different order types) in the same search.
To search by date or time, you can use the short cuts available in the search drop down (yesterday, day, this month, last week, etc. or click the "Add Date" to get more specific.

Here you can specify a date and / or a time to narrow your search.
Viewing Results
Your search results will appear as tickets in the screen below. Use the buttons to choose your view: Display Tickets, Details, or Table.
When viewing the "Display Tickets" view, click on the Ticket # hyperlink to jump to the Detailed view of that ticket.
Tip: It's easy to copy & paste this view of the ticket into an e-mail if you wish to send a copy to anyone!

The detailed view gives you customer information, a timeline of the ticket, driver information, cash location information, etc.

The other view option is a Table view.

Customize this view using the "Columns" button to choose which information is displayed.

With any view, you can also use the buttons on the right to toggle on a summary view, which will give you key data summarized by order status.