Version 8.1 - Current Release
Version 8.1 Overview
This version marks a significant transformation for Thrive! We've developed a new cloud-based tool, Thrive Control Center, and with this release we've migrated most of the configuration and all of the menu, item, price and coupon controls to this new tool, with the eventual goal of replacing the entire "Manager Home" with new technology.
Watch a video with highlights from this version:
Some of the benefits include:
- Access your reports, configuration and menus from anywhere without VPN to the store
- Much improved multi-store management. All locations can use the same "menu", with individual store differences saved as "overrides" on a field level. Make changes at the company level in 1 spot and easily publish these to all stores at once.
- Publish menu changes immediately or schedule them for a future time
- Significant improvements to the interface & usability of menu & item management
- Significant improvements to coupon builder including a new Combo meal value option.
- Merging of admin tools for Thrive Online and the POS in one system.
- POS can now use the same images you upload for online ordering
- UI improvements to the POS interface
- Customer Management has been redesigned and incorporates features previously accessed from Manager Home > Manage Customers. This includes revamped House Accounts, Apply Credit Offer, and Advanced Search, as well as improved Lodging workflows.
- Out of Stock revamp including option to mark sizes / styles out of stock.
- Certain reports are no longer available in the POS and will redirect to Thrive Control Center reports. Many other reports are available in both places but eventually all reporting will be in Thrive Control Center.
- Inventory
- Kitchen Display
- Label Printer
- Deferred order custom fields
- Default pricing scheme per station
- N2K has been replaced by Thrive Analytics Reports within Thrive Control Center.
- Let's Get Online will not be compatible with this version. Please upgrade to Thrive Online.
- Menu & Configuration is imported into Thrive Control Center
- Employee records are added for any employee who needs access to configuration or reports
- POS is upgraded
- Menu & Configuration is published to the POS. POS starts working from these .json documents rather than the menu info stored in the database.
- Printer Ticket configuration. All other printer related settings are in TCC, however choosing the fields and format of the ticket is still in Manager Home
- Employee configuration
- Employee management
- Security configuration
Specific Features Added:
New Menu Management in Thrive Control Center
This playlist has 25 videos that review the new menu management features. A few key points:
- Companies can have multiple menus, but we recommend that you try to have all your stores use the same menu, this will make it easier to maintain. Individual store variations can be handled with pricing schemes and location overrides
- Always check your context in the upper right when making changes to know if you are changing the company-wide menu or a specific location
- Don't forget to publish!
- Modifiers (toppings) can now be shared across departments -- so no need to enter Pepperoni 10 times! They are handled in the new modifiers section -- just enter all the modifiers once. Then, at each Department, you can select which modifiers are available for that department and how they are priced.
- Modifiers can be set to a max quantity per item, for instance you can allow pepperoni x5 as a maximum
- Excluded modifiers per item enforced in the POS as well as online
- New feature to allow substitutions within the same category only (i.e. meat for a meat)
- We're a bit stricter on inclusions - they must be modifiers. So if a menu is imported that had regular items as inclusions, those items will be duplicated in the "Discovered Modifiers" category.
- New option to exclude sizes when applying requirements to items, so you can apply "Choose a sauce" to the small size and "Choose 2 sauces" to the large size
- New option to select channel (POS or Online) when applying requirements to items.
- Better control over quantity for requirements, setting # of items required and then additional items "none", "up to X" or "unlimited"
- In the POS, you can now edit requirements selections on an item without going through all the requirements again.
- Auto generate menu layout
- Drag & Drop menu buttons
- Background images / colors for menu tabs
- More control over fonts, font size, colors
- Image Manager lets you easily upload images to be used for Thrive Online and POS menu
- New value option: Combo. Set a fixed price for a set of items and the system will automatically calculate the discount on each item.
- New option to exclude modifier upcharges from coupon value
- Ability to set coupon values per pricing scheme
- Control over which offers appear on the discount list (not just all discounts / comps)
- Surcharge option - offer which adds to the ticket rather than subtracts
- Option to set tax applies before /after discount on a per offer basis.
- Much more robust error descriptions to let you know why a coupon is not valid
POS UI Refresh

- Home screen & other pop ups, orders screen, etc redesigned with new colors & icons
- Click on the "date/time" in the upper left to toggle between different background colors
- "Manager" button now takes you to a new manager screen, with options for Credit batch (if using WorldPay Express), Out of Stock, Manager Home or Thrive Control Center.

- Click on the Thrive logo/version at the bottom of the home page to see the Menu & Configuration versions and last refresh.

- The customer search, add & edit screens have been redesigned.
- House account information can now be managed from the customer edit screen
- Apply credit offer is now done from the POS customer search (with proper security)
- Merge, Delete and Export can be done from the POS customer search (with proper security)
- New Advanced Search options from the POS customer search
- Invalid addresses (defined in Thrive Control Center) are now blocked in the POS
- New workflow for "Lodging" customers
- Street database is no longer supported - Delivery areas are defined via map in Thrive Control Center
- Manager Home > Manage Customers is no longer available.
- The "Thrive Online Admin" application has been migrated to Thrive Control Center, so all configuration for Thrive Online is done there.
- This allows much more ability to make changes for all locations at once, for instance with Online layout & images.
- New Min/Max lead time for deferred orders
- New "allow online orders due at open / placed at close" setting
Additional Releases:
- Resolved reported beta issues
- Completed support for Coupon Reason Codes
- Refactor Promise Time updates
- Resolved reported beta issues
- Revised Customer Credit detail & summary reports
- Removed inactive items from requirement view pop up
- Refactored Account Payment Slip, Driver Ticket Report, Driver prior close shift report
- Resolved reported beta issues
- Enhanced delivery zone assignment to maintain customer connection when changed
- Disabled made/unmade requirement if inventory is not licensed
- Resolved reported beta issues
- Resolved Prompt for Price Item errors
- Resolved issues with out of stock size /style settings
- Resolved reported beta issues
- Resolved geocoding issues with out-of-country
- New coupon related features:
- Notify customer on auto apply option
- Value of offer to include auto gratuity
- Validity of offer restricted by tender type -allows creation of a surcharge for credit cards or a cash discount.
- Note, surcharges report in the "offers" section of reports.
- Note: Offers limited by tender type will apply to the entire ticket if that tender is used for all or a portion of the ticket.
- Fixed Thrive tax included in price only valid for one tax at a time
- Fixed Coupon Validity: Customer Group
- Fixed Price error when redeeming punchh code
- Fixed Coupon: Max times to apply per order is not honored
- Fixed Offer specific to style is not working
- Fixed "Exactly" 2 toppings is not enforced
- Fixed Coupon errors: Only show 1 line per error when quantity is ordered
- Fixed Duplicate key error submitting an order with 2 of the same SB offers
- Fixed Multiple tax structures should calculate on base order total, not including tax,when 1 is set to before
- Fixed Creating alternate address row for TOL orders only if address values are present
- Fixed Day/date/time based Offer on deferred orders
- Fixed PPI returns auth code 1
- Fixed Account Payment paid with Credit doesn't allow payment
- Fixed When taking Delivery order with EMV device, Tip does not print if keyed into the POS
- Fixed Response from Worldpay is No_Match when processing Hosted payment deferred credit card
- Fixed Thrive Payments EMV orders rang as a Sale with no tip still print a tip line
- Fixed Paid in / Out duplicates with button mashing
- Added option for None for Thrive Payments on Pin Pad for tip options
- Fixed Surcharge on email receipt shows double negative
- Enabled QuickChip for EMV for Worldpay
- Enabled Worldpay Debit certification
- Rear display shows Credit Surcharge on the authorization screen if flagged to prompt
- Auto Close past batches if a newer batch is closed
Further release notes will be located here: