DoorDash Drive Integration
DoorDash integration lets you easily assign delivery orders to DoorDash right from your delivery screen (available as of version 8.0.30).
NOTE: Your store must be on version 8.0.30 and configured to use TicketStream, our new data API. If you are unsure about your store's status, please contact support at 800-750-3947.
Watch a video about this feature:
Setting Up DoorDash:
Look on the bottom right corner of your Delivery Dispatch screen for the DoorDash icon. Click this to set up your DoorDash account.

If you already have a DoorDash account, enter the Business Name and Account ID that match your DoorDash credentials. If not, click on Get Doordash to sign up. Once you fill out the paperwork, your account credentials will be e-mailed to you and an account manager from DoorDash will contact you for more information. If you do not receive a DoorDash Account ID, use the Business Name.
The Pickup Instructions will be included with every DoorDash order assignment. This is information you can give the driver about how to pick up orders at your restaurant.
Once DoorDash is configured, if you click on the icon you will see your credentials. From here you can edit or deactivate.

Assigning Orders to DoorDash
You can assign any order to DoorDash - including orders that came in from your website or phone orders. If an order comes from DoorDash's website via our Chowly integration, it has already been assigned to a Dasher, so it will not appear on the dispatch screen and will instead be immediately marked as "Assigned".
TIP: If you want the DoorDash driver to collect cash from the customer, be sure to select CASH as the tender type when taking the order. UPDATE March 2020: Due to COVID restrictions, DoorDash is not accepting cash orders.
Once DoorDash is activated, your dispatch screen will show a "DoorDash" driver at the bottom of your driver list. Just assign the order to the DoorDash driver by selecting the order, the driver, and pressing Assign at the bottom of the screen. We'll send DoorDash the requested "delivery time", so they can respond with an appropriate pick-up time. This allows you to assign orders in advance.

You'll receive an estimate from DoorDash which includes the fee you will be charged as well as the pick up time. Please review the pick up time carefully. If the food will not be ready by this time, you can delay the pick up by selecting the # of minutes on this screen.
Press Confirm to finish the transaction. The order is now assigned to DoorDash.
TIP: Ask your credit card customers if they wish to tip the driver while you are taking the order, and include that tip on the order prior to assigning it. Higher tips to the DoorDash drivers will mean lower fees for you. You can not send a tip to DoorDash after the order has been assigned.
Note: You may receive errors if the order is outside the delivery area for DoorDash, has an invalid phone number or address, if it's outside DoorDash delivery hours, etc. If you need to correct the customer data, you should be able to recall the order, edit the customer, press finish / submit, and then retry the assign.
Status Updates
Orders that are assigned to DoorDash will be updated automatically. You can see the details on the Full Review screen (go to the Orders screen, find the order, and click the hyperlink on Order Total to see the Full Review).

On the right column of the Full review for this order you will see details including the DoorDash driver name and phone #, the status, the estimated pick up time / delivery time, and the DoorDash delivery ID (for reference in their portal). Once DoorDash reports that the order has been delivered, the order will be closed automatically.
Note: If DoorDash can not complete the order (i.e. customer was not available) the ticket will still be closed, but a message will be added to the ticket to indicate the problem. This way if the customer calls back, you'll know what happened.
Unassigning Orders
If necessary, you can unassign a DoorDash order by selecting the "In Progress" button, selecting the order, and unassigning. However this will NOT cancel the DoorDash request. You can visit the DoorDash merchant portal to cancel an order if needed.
Accounting Notes
DoorDash will provide merchants with a monthly invoice to reconcile money owed. The merchant will owe DoorDash for delivery fees and credit card tips on their orders. DoorDash will owe the merchant for cash orders where cash was collected from the customer.
Cash orders collected by DoorDash will be changed to the "DoorDash" tender type in the Thr!ve system once the order has been confirmed Picked Up, so that you can account for them properly as money owed by DoorDash (rather than as cash to account for in the store).

All DoorDash orders will close to the cash location configured as the default for deliveries. If there is no default, they will close to the main safe.
Your Store Summary (and Register Report) will indicate the total cash orders collected by DoorDash under the "DoorDash" tender type.

Note: If you also use DoorDash Marketplace to receive orders (via Chowly) and you wish to keep the accounting separate, you may wish to set up a different tender type (such as DD Chowly) for Chowly to submit their DoorDash orders.
To reconcile the amount you owe DoorDash (or DoorDash owes you), take the cash amount collected as indicated above, and then subtract the Tips and Fees for DoorDash from the Delivery Performance Report.