Preventing Chargebacks - Decline on AVS / CVV mismatch
EMV devices for in-store transactions.
Using an EMV/chip card will help to reduce your liability for charge backs. It also removes credit card data from your POS system, helping you with PCI compliance. EMV is available on the Worldpay platform as of version 8.0. To learn more please contact your account manager.
Decline on AVS or CVV mismatch for phone / online transactions.
Add extra security for your card not-present transactions by requiring an AVS match (street address and zip code) and / or a CVV match (the code on the back of the card).
With Worldpay (version 8.0, Element platform) you can configure these settings for both in-store and online transactions. Choose Match Required for the toughest level of security - any transactions that don't match will automatically be declined.

For other processors (such as OpenEdge) you can ask your processor to control these settings and decline on mismatch.
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